
Friday, April 4, 2014

Feeling a little Naughty with Lushish Catz

Finally found a skin that made me feel more comfy in my Lola's so decided to do some sexiness today with Lushish Catz.. There's a lot of new goodies from them so if you like your tangos, and  affordable clothes then Lushish Catz is where to go.

*•..•* Blacklace    •*
with skirt, boots and appliers

This outfit also comes in red and white. So adorable, sexy and ready to go pretty. :)

Information for the Event: LIKE! Event

 The Boobies Planet
 April 5  to April 18

*•..•* Aqua Jewel    •*
Bikini, earrings and comes with appliers

I want to say a special thank you to my friend  ღ Munky  ღ for allowing me the use of her sim for a few of my pictures tonight. This one was an accidental shot but I loved it so much I wanted to use it. :) I love how it's so soft and has that "I'm dreaming of Him, I wish He'd join me." It's of longing, of love, and the suit is breathtaking. (Thank you Kay). This will be available starting April 5th at Booby Planet, and for 80L it's well worth the cost to look so succulent.

Each has appliers for Lola's Tango, Lush, Phat Azz, Cute Azz and  SLink Stocking  applier.

All come with Jewelry

One of the great things about the creator Kay is that she's always willing to help so if there's something wrong with your purchase, look her up on SL and follow her picks to find out the best way to get in contact with her. She's a great person and very friendly. (And no she didn't pay me to say that!)

The outfits can be found at:
Store SLURL:

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Kay is also hiring bloggers so if you're interested here's her name look her up and follow the information in her profile. Thanks!
Kayshla Aristocrat
Lushish Catz