
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Taking a Chance

Awhile back I applied to be a blogger for ploom. One of my all time favorite places to go get hair and poses. I was thrilled to find out today that I had been accepted to be a new blogger for her. I've been trying really hard not to take on new work but I couldn't resist applying so I'm so very happy I was accepted.

The hair I am wearing is called "Chance" comes with a hud so you can change your look with just a touch. I am loving the pastels and candy but since I normally wear black hair, I decided to use the black color too.

Now for the adorable outfits I am wearing... I bet you were wondering! So I'm going to tell you.

These two pieces are EXCLUSIVE and can be found at MC Fashion Store and Event. They're by Lushish Catz. The top one is called Mala, the silver one is called Jhene. Both sold for 100L. Sexy little teddy's stockings for slink, they also come with tango and phat azz appliers too! This was a new event one I'd never heard of so I had to go check it out. Lots of wonderful goodies for very low prices.

The link provided takes you directly into the Lushish Catz store in the event.

Namrah's Look:
Dress: LushishCatz: Mala and Jhene@MC Fashion Store and Event
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Hair: Ploom: Chance
Slink Hands: Casual
{ZOZ} Nails:{ZOZ}- Foil Tips Spring - Purpilicous
Eyes: IKON-
Breasts: Lola Tango
Pose: Okay, I admit, I need to start getting better at writing down which pose I finally settle on. I have hundreds of poses. I believe the ones used in these are by !bang called TBC and VIP