
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

~A moment in Time~

When Cedric and I were at Image Essentials tonight taking pictures for my blog featuring ZOZ, IE and Alyce, we took some time afterwards to check out some of the amazing poses around The Castle Ruins.

Cedric catches some of the most amazing pictures sometimes! I didn't even know he was taking pictures of us goofin around, but this one was one of our favorites so I wanted to share it.

He has been an amazing support to me and our daughter Dani as we both taking on blogging duties, as well as both my managing positions. It's really nice to have these moments in time like this to where we can just "be"

Here's the untouched version. All I added was a rounded border. LOVE IT!!!!

Thank you for reading my blog!!! and Thank You Cedric for being my photographer sometimes!!!!!

