
Friday, July 18, 2014


SMILE! Yes.. SMILE! Today is Friday. The Pre Release Gatcha Garden has been going on for about 2 weeks now. It makes me smile. An amazing pool of creators coming together once a month to bring all of us gatcha addict NEW items!!!! I am super excited to be a part of this amazing team of people. From the Owners, to the Creators then the bloggers themselves. So being that I manage the group, inviting designers, hiring bloggers and doing other behind the scenes tasks, I don't always get to blog and brag about how wonderful things are but shhh I took some time to myself this morning to do just that!

So First up: Serenity Style. She makes cute, adorable and sometimes vintage decorations for around your home and garden. You've seen her items pop up a few times in my blogs because I simply adore her items. (She's super sweet too.) I think that's one reason I like blogging so much it's because as a blogger you see a different side of designers and I'm just tickled pink to get to know some of them on more then just a customer/designer base. 

The chalk board comes in 4 different styles. Yellow, Green and blue. The tanish one with the towel is the rare.

I am also wearing Kitty Moon's choker in these pictures and a Celestal Blue ring from Baubles by Phe, you just can't see them very well.

LOOK at the details! I can't draw, but this one just makes me smile because if I could this is probably something I would do!

In this picture we have the welcome sign (one of many) that you can collect from Farmhouse Antiques and Collectibles. This is the first time I have blogged her items and I really love the warm feeling that her designs give me. The second is the vase sitting on top of the bookcase. This adorable vase is by CsG (Crys Secret Garden) This is actually her first round at PR Gatcha Garden. I love the happiness I feel when I see her flowers. 

More details to both the banner and the flowers... 
 Welcome to our home, and stop and smell the flowers!

 Feeling the bunneh Love? This sweet, adorable bunneh is by MOoH! I am so tickled that Dalriada decided to bring these back in softer colors for summer! I just love snuggling up to my bunneh while I take a chill. This picture also features Junk Diva, lots of vintage love in this blog post! I actually really love this picture. I played this gatcha just to see what I could get and totally delighted. I love taking pictures so I really found this apt.. and I love the feel of the old time cameras. I miss developing film the OLD fashioned way, but boy howdy do I love digital!  Then of course last but not least we have The Vintage Touch. This is also her first round at The Garden. I liked her box so I tilted it and leaned it against my bunneh. I look like I have collapsed after a full day of shopping. What do you think? Bags featured "The Birds" and "Dr. No"

I remember when I opened this box and going "Ooooh The Birds!" so I'm going to age myself a little. When I was a little girl, we lived in a weird house that was truly just a rectangle house. You walked in the door that was at the side of the house (yes side, lol) and you walked into the dining room kind of  and kitchen.. walk a few more feet and you're in the living room.Off to the right and beside the kitchen was the bathroom. Lord you had to leave the room to change your mind!  Go through a door in your in one of my brothers rooms, step through the next door in my other brothers room. Finally you go through another door and wahlah you're in the "Parents room" which also had a bathroom and another door outside. If you turn the corner to your left you had one bedroom that was more private, this was my sister and I's room. Why we got the private room is beyond me, maybe because it was a HOLE! lolol. And to small for my parents I dunno or because we were girls who knows. But anyways... I digress with my story. So my parents didn't like us staying up late, but sometimes on Friday nights they'd let my siblings stay up. (I'm the youngest they're all 6,7 and 8 years older then me) so I would have to go to bed but they were going to watch a new Alfred Hitchcock movie and I was mad! I wanted to watch it too. So I snuck through 3 rooms and curled up behind the couch to watch. To this day I HATE scarey movies. To a 6 or 7 year old, that movie was horrifying! lol. All those birds! OMG.. I remember that part of the movie more then any other movie and for years I was terrified of birds, lol. Anyways.. so that's my story of why this bag made me smile and thank fondly of days gone by.

All items can be found here: The Pre Release Gatcha Garden until August 3rd after that then it's up to the discretion of the creator if they go to their in-world store. 

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Hair: .ploom Mahlee (Sale item may not be there long)
Outfit: FBD Sheer Spring Outfit 
Shoes: -{ZOZ}- Sunflower Wedge (For High) @ Designer Circle until July 18th
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Choker: by Kitty Moon: KM Vintage Fairies Choker  @ PR Gatcha Garden (has hud to change colors)
Ring: Baubles! by Phe CelestineRing - Blue @ PR Gatcha Garden
Pose: Picture 1: One of many of Purple Poses
All the rest of the poses are part of the Bunneh.