
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Still here I promise

I'm sorry it's been awhile since I posted. ~bleh~ I'm a college student and the last few weeks I have been working through getting done with homework assignments, finals and some health issues.

Though I'm not ~okay~ I'm not dying (At least I don't think so!) Results aren't in yet. hehe. Seriously though, there isn't anything FUN about being unhealthy so stay healthy!

So some upcoming posts from me..

Advent Calendar. I probably won't post all my goodies. Just the ones I really like here's the info from the notecard:

Every day another shop!
Hunt a nice gift every day!

Every day another shop hides a freebie - look for a funny reindeer.

Get your daily landmark here:

Find here more information:

For any questions please contact Viviane Hobble or K2 Loon

I won't post in any set order as I can't figure out what store is what right now because I started on day 18, so I just kept all the landmarks, and off I went. The stores are amazing. Several that I have never even been in! I'm always on the look out for new creative clothing stores. If you're doing the CCH as well as POE 6, your path will cross some of them while searching for the Advent Calendar prizes. They're fairly easy to find, there are clues if you get stuck and there are pretty neat hunt paths that direct you in the right direction. These creators went above and beyond on this..

POE6... yes I'm a POE lover. I love this hunt. I am very behind... Bad me.. but I promise to post some of my more favorite items... I mean there's 200+ stores! I'd never get them all posted by the time the hunt is over.

Then last but not least...Someone answered a question for me today in the SL Bloggers group..(AMAZING resources by the way.) And they lead me to this: The Event - L'accessoires Xmas Hunt! 
The hunt gifts are free. You teleport into their store. You click around the store for all the little hats, and you're then taken for a walk through Second Life. These stores were stunning, the prizes are fairly easy to find. There are hints in each folder your given with landmarks to different stores.

ALSO.. From Hearts and Soul Designs... Both Cedric and I had the wonderful privledge of working with Ab the creator from Hearts and Soul. Here's one of His newest products:

(Yes Cedric and are posing for pictures in this.. Rawr)

So that's some of what's been going on with me/us.

STAY TUNED................................................ for more fun................ :)