
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mirror Mirror... Who's the fairest...

I'm not very good at stepping outside of my comfort zone into the realm of fantasy and make believe. But when I was asked to choose one of the new poses from Image Essentials, I couldn't help but pick "Who's the Fairest" of course, I didn't go with my typical black hair and red lips like I could have,I started out casual then went from there diving into my inventory I picked pieces from The Armory then decided to dress it up with the face mask by Alchemy from this round of The Secret Affair. Then I was like "OH my gosh! That dress!" So in the middle of taking pictures, I rushed back to TSA and got the Alchemy dress! I hope you enjoy my take on an old classic tale.

Queen: Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face.

 Magic Mirror: What wouldst thou know, my Queen?

Queen: Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

Magic Mirror: Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold, a lovely maid I see. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. Alas, she is more fair than thee.

Queen: Alas for her! Reveal her name.

  Magic Mirror: Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Neri Shape and Skin @ Lubbly Jubblies
Hair: .ploom Carrie @ The Hair Fair 2014
Outfit in Pictures 1-3: FBD now MOoH!: Love me Casual 
Outfit in Pictures 4-6,9: "TWA" Sleeping Beauty Mesh Gown Set-Malificent (TWA= The White Armory)
Outfit in Pictures 7-8: Alchemy Dream Dress Simple Orchid,Mask is Alchemy - Dreams - Filigree Mask - Violet Found at The Secret Affair
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Socks Picture 9: -{ZOZ}- Available @ -{ZOZ}- Mainstore
POSE!!!!! Image Essentials: Who's the Fairest  GA SummerFest

Invaded by CUTENESS!

While I was trying to sleep I was invaded by PANDAS! Not just ANY Panda's but HARLEY pandas! *giggles softly*

So I picked up one of these cute, adorable Harley Panda's at the Magna fair thinking of Savvy of Paper Dolls. I know she likes ALL things Harlequin (I think she's obsessed but shh don't tell  her I said that, it's really a sexy addiction.) So anyways, I snagged one of these pandas, as well as sending her a gyazo shot of the vendor. I'm sure she's got some now. ~big smiles~

I again saw these show up at OMG Gatcha. I snagged some of the hippos this time!

So one day I sat at OMG Gatcha looking at all the adorableness and invited the creator of Bad Apple to join the August round of PR Gatcha Garden and she applied! and I'm so happy. She sent me these wonderful fluffies for my room! And I couldn't be more tickled! So adorable. I just wanted to tell her "Thank you."

It sometimes still amazes me the giving and generosity from creators around the grid.She really brightened my day by this gift.

If you want one! Here's her links!

Bad Apple MP Store
Bad Apple Flickr
Vyper Wasp on Facebook
Bad Apple In-World

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Hair: .ploom
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Necklace: Tantalum ~Tantalum~ Dev ed: Serotonin Necklace: Happiness/Satisfaction (Ty for the thougthful gift)
PJ's: Slumber Hello Kitty (also makes pj's for Tangos!)