
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mad World

Not sure why this song keeps playing over in my head.. Mad World by Gary Jules but it's a song I love and since my emotions are in a huge flux of turmoil over the last few weeks it kind of fit perfectly with how I am feeling. Sometimes I feel like I'm on this great big wheel and I run and run and run but I never get to where I want to be. I also know that on this wheel that the harder I try the more I push people away that I love. It's never easy, but I do love, I love hard, I love deeply. I want to do it all and sometimes.. I simply can't. 

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

So in my the mad of my world, Cedric and I took some time away from rebuilding our sim so I could stop wearing the outfit I've been wearing for 3 or 4 days now, lol. The outfit is one I picked up at Collabor88 it's by Baiastice Kafue Tops –is azure  Kafue mini skirt – ochre there are many colors and print styles to choose from. I actually bought this outfit because well it was pretty. lol and the blue I knew would go with my new shoes by -{ZOZ}- called Harmony which you can find at the Cosmopolitan Room until August 2nd

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world, mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world, mad world

Enlarging your world
Mad world

(Song lyrics Mad World by Gary Jules)

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Neri Shape and Skin @ Lubbly Jubblies
Hair: Magika Moment
Outfit in Pictures:  by Baiastice Kafue Tops –is azure  Kafue mini skirt – ochre @ Collabor88
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Shoes and polish: -{ZOZ}- Available @ Cosmo Room
POSE: //elephante poses: I've used two different ones: Ember (group gift) and Rather Be (2 year Birthday Present)
Location: Millhouse Beanery Coffee House

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mirror Mirror... Who's the fairest...

I'm not very good at stepping outside of my comfort zone into the realm of fantasy and make believe. But when I was asked to choose one of the new poses from Image Essentials, I couldn't help but pick "Who's the Fairest" of course, I didn't go with my typical black hair and red lips like I could have,I started out casual then went from there diving into my inventory I picked pieces from The Armory then decided to dress it up with the face mask by Alchemy from this round of The Secret Affair. Then I was like "OH my gosh! That dress!" So in the middle of taking pictures, I rushed back to TSA and got the Alchemy dress! I hope you enjoy my take on an old classic tale.

Queen: Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face.

 Magic Mirror: What wouldst thou know, my Queen?

Queen: Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

Magic Mirror: Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold, a lovely maid I see. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. Alas, she is more fair than thee.

Queen: Alas for her! Reveal her name.

  Magic Mirror: Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Neri Shape and Skin @ Lubbly Jubblies
Hair: .ploom Carrie @ The Hair Fair 2014
Outfit in Pictures 1-3: FBD now MOoH!: Love me Casual 
Outfit in Pictures 4-6,9: "TWA" Sleeping Beauty Mesh Gown Set-Malificent (TWA= The White Armory)
Outfit in Pictures 7-8: Alchemy Dream Dress Simple Orchid,Mask is Alchemy - Dreams - Filigree Mask - Violet Found at The Secret Affair
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Socks Picture 9: -{ZOZ}- Available @ -{ZOZ}- Mainstore
POSE!!!!! Image Essentials: Who's the Fairest  GA SummerFest

Invaded by CUTENESS!

While I was trying to sleep I was invaded by PANDAS! Not just ANY Panda's but HARLEY pandas! *giggles softly*

So I picked up one of these cute, adorable Harley Panda's at the Magna fair thinking of Savvy of Paper Dolls. I know she likes ALL things Harlequin (I think she's obsessed but shh don't tell  her I said that, it's really a sexy addiction.) So anyways, I snagged one of these pandas, as well as sending her a gyazo shot of the vendor. I'm sure she's got some now. ~big smiles~

I again saw these show up at OMG Gatcha. I snagged some of the hippos this time!

So one day I sat at OMG Gatcha looking at all the adorableness and invited the creator of Bad Apple to join the August round of PR Gatcha Garden and she applied! and I'm so happy. She sent me these wonderful fluffies for my room! And I couldn't be more tickled! So adorable. I just wanted to tell her "Thank you."

It sometimes still amazes me the giving and generosity from creators around the grid.She really brightened my day by this gift.

If you want one! Here's her links!

Bad Apple MP Store
Bad Apple Flickr
Vyper Wasp on Facebook
Bad Apple In-World

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Hair: .ploom
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Necklace: Tantalum ~Tantalum~ Dev ed: Serotonin Necklace: Happiness/Satisfaction (Ty for the thougthful gift)
PJ's: Slumber Hello Kitty (also makes pj's for Tangos!)

Friday, July 18, 2014


SMILE! Yes.. SMILE! Today is Friday. The Pre Release Gatcha Garden has been going on for about 2 weeks now. It makes me smile. An amazing pool of creators coming together once a month to bring all of us gatcha addict NEW items!!!! I am super excited to be a part of this amazing team of people. From the Owners, to the Creators then the bloggers themselves. So being that I manage the group, inviting designers, hiring bloggers and doing other behind the scenes tasks, I don't always get to blog and brag about how wonderful things are but shhh I took some time to myself this morning to do just that!

So First up: Serenity Style. She makes cute, adorable and sometimes vintage decorations for around your home and garden. You've seen her items pop up a few times in my blogs because I simply adore her items. (She's super sweet too.) I think that's one reason I like blogging so much it's because as a blogger you see a different side of designers and I'm just tickled pink to get to know some of them on more then just a customer/designer base. 

The chalk board comes in 4 different styles. Yellow, Green and blue. The tanish one with the towel is the rare.

I am also wearing Kitty Moon's choker in these pictures and a Celestal Blue ring from Baubles by Phe, you just can't see them very well.

LOOK at the details! I can't draw, but this one just makes me smile because if I could this is probably something I would do!

In this picture we have the welcome sign (one of many) that you can collect from Farmhouse Antiques and Collectibles. This is the first time I have blogged her items and I really love the warm feeling that her designs give me. The second is the vase sitting on top of the bookcase. This adorable vase is by CsG (Crys Secret Garden) This is actually her first round at PR Gatcha Garden. I love the happiness I feel when I see her flowers. 

More details to both the banner and the flowers... 
 Welcome to our home, and stop and smell the flowers!

 Feeling the bunneh Love? This sweet, adorable bunneh is by MOoH! I am so tickled that Dalriada decided to bring these back in softer colors for summer! I just love snuggling up to my bunneh while I take a chill. This picture also features Junk Diva, lots of vintage love in this blog post! I actually really love this picture. I played this gatcha just to see what I could get and totally delighted. I love taking pictures so I really found this apt.. and I love the feel of the old time cameras. I miss developing film the OLD fashioned way, but boy howdy do I love digital!  Then of course last but not least we have The Vintage Touch. This is also her first round at The Garden. I liked her box so I tilted it and leaned it against my bunneh. I look like I have collapsed after a full day of shopping. What do you think? Bags featured "The Birds" and "Dr. No"

I remember when I opened this box and going "Ooooh The Birds!" so I'm going to age myself a little. When I was a little girl, we lived in a weird house that was truly just a rectangle house. You walked in the door that was at the side of the house (yes side, lol) and you walked into the dining room kind of  and kitchen.. walk a few more feet and you're in the living room.Off to the right and beside the kitchen was the bathroom. Lord you had to leave the room to change your mind!  Go through a door in your in one of my brothers rooms, step through the next door in my other brothers room. Finally you go through another door and wahlah you're in the "Parents room" which also had a bathroom and another door outside. If you turn the corner to your left you had one bedroom that was more private, this was my sister and I's room. Why we got the private room is beyond me, maybe because it was a HOLE! lolol. And to small for my parents I dunno or because we were girls who knows. But anyways... I digress with my story. So my parents didn't like us staying up late, but sometimes on Friday nights they'd let my siblings stay up. (I'm the youngest they're all 6,7 and 8 years older then me) so I would have to go to bed but they were going to watch a new Alfred Hitchcock movie and I was mad! I wanted to watch it too. So I snuck through 3 rooms and curled up behind the couch to watch. To this day I HATE scarey movies. To a 6 or 7 year old, that movie was horrifying! lol. All those birds! OMG.. I remember that part of the movie more then any other movie and for years I was terrified of birds, lol. Anyways.. so that's my story of why this bag made me smile and thank fondly of days gone by.

All items can be found here: The Pre Release Gatcha Garden until August 3rd after that then it's up to the discretion of the creator if they go to their in-world store. 

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Hair: .ploom Mahlee (Sale item may not be there long)
Outfit: FBD Sheer Spring Outfit 
Shoes: -{ZOZ}- Sunflower Wedge (For High) @ Designer Circle until July 18th
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Choker: by Kitty Moon: KM Vintage Fairies Choker  @ PR Gatcha Garden (has hud to change colors)
Ring: Baubles! by Phe CelestineRing - Blue @ PR Gatcha Garden
Pose: Picture 1: One of many of Purple Poses
All the rest of the poses are part of the Bunneh.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

See you again

Standing on the dock, listening to the waves lap at the wooden planks, the birds chirping in the background, hair whipping about me as the wind catches it tossing it about my shoulders. I'm charmed by the dragonflies fluttering around, dancing to the music only they hear. My mind focused on yesterday and the things that have come to past. Remembering, feeling you close, knowing you protect even when you're miles away.

I love the sound of bullfrogs that call to each other in the distance,it reminds me of my childhood and living in the country.I miss that, living in the country, the absolute quiet except for nature. A soft smile touches my lips, warmth of days gone by filling me with happiness, joy and a small amount of sadness. I'm a country girl forced to live in the city. So I was so very thrilled when I got this package in my inventory and unwrapped it. SUNFLOWERS! Not just ANY SUNFLOWERS! But nail polishes and shoes to match! OH.. I couldn't resist! I honestly have barely taken these off since I unpacked them several days ago. I've been busy catching up with blogging duties that my own blog kind of got put on a mini vacation hehe, but I hope you enjoy my writings as well as the pictures Cedric and I took.

I can hear those echoes in the wind at night
Calling me back in time
Back to you
In a place far away
Where the water meets the sky
The thought of it makes me smile
You are my tomorrow

 Chilling on the dock shark watching! So there aren't sharks in Kansas, but this picture reminds me a lot of when I lived in the country. In a little bitty town that back then had only ONE stop light, no fast food restaurants, we had mom and pop restaurants . Where the gas attendants pumped your gas, washed your windows, and checked your oil. They knew you by name and asked how your family was.  Those were the days.

This blog entry is dedicated to my oldest brother who had a major bypass heart surgery today. (5 arteries 100% blocked. It's been a rough few days. But he's doing well. Not ready to lose him again, so this song was something that came to mind sort of.. I will see you again!

From head to toe, feeling so adorable!

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Hair: .ploom Mahlee (Sale item may not be there long)
Outfit: FBD Sheer Spring Outfit 
Shoes: -{ZOZ}- Sunflower Wedge (For High) @ Designer Circle until July 18th
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Choker: by Kitty Moon: KM Vintage Fairies Choker  @ PR Gatcha Garden (has hud to change colors)
Ring: Baubles! by Phe CelestineRing - Blue @ PR Gatcha Garden

Picture 1 fri. - cheeky.pose series
Picture 2 !Bang TBC 1e
Picture 3 !bang TBC 2a
Picture 4 !bang VIP (part of the VIP set)
Location: Another Somewhere This sim is truly lovely. A lot of love went into the design. You can't rez here, but they have plenty of picture perfect spots if you have a hud or use their props.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

~A moment in Time~

When Cedric and I were at Image Essentials tonight taking pictures for my blog featuring ZOZ, IE and Alyce, we took some time afterwards to check out some of the amazing poses around The Castle Ruins.

Cedric catches some of the most amazing pictures sometimes! I didn't even know he was taking pictures of us goofin around, but this one was one of our favorites so I wanted to share it.

He has been an amazing support to me and our daughter Dani as we both taking on blogging duties, as well as both my managing positions. It's really nice to have these moments in time like this to where we can just "be"

Here's the untouched version. All I added was a rounded border. LOVE IT!!!!

Thank you for reading my blog!!! and Thank You Cedric for being my photographer sometimes!!!!!



Monday, July 14, 2014

~Summoning Peace~

Walking through the castle ruins, she felt restless, her body ached, un-shed tears threaten then begin to spill slowly down her cheeks

With shaking arms she stretches them out the heavens, her eyes lowering as she quietly begins to meditate then hum quietly under her breath. Summoning from within peace, calmness, love, light and laughter, focusing on the past, remembering the best times.

I'm not a very religious person so I'll just say my thoughts to the Goddess and hope she hears my anguish and my cries for saving a life that is to young to leave this world.

It's been a very busy few weeks. Tonight, I found out that my older brother was admited into the hospital as I was blogging. Funny, it started out as something else but wound up to something different. I want to thank Kay Weston of Image Essentials for creating a beautiful place for people to go and take pictures. Her Castle Ruins was perfect for pictures tonight featuring -{ZOZ}-Azaria Heels - Ruby found at The Naughty Nitch until July 21st. The dress is by Alyce called Infinity Dress - it has a hud with 150 color choices. This dress is found at Cosmopolitan Room, I'm not quite sure when this round ends maybe around July 18th so if you found this dress as sexy as I did, you need to dash over there and get it before it's gone. I should tell you that this little bitty sexy dress is only 70L, yes you heard me.. 70L!

So.. we have the dress covered... we have the setting covered... we have the fabulous sexy shoes *ALMOST* covered you can't really see them... so let me show you up close and personal to my accessories!

I can't forget the fabulous hair! Have you been to the 2014 HAIR FAIR? IF NOT! Go! Rush! Go... of course after you're done perving my blog! lolol... Anyways, this is by MINA called NOOR. You can find this fabulous hair on the Redhead Sim. I don't know if it was a free gift or if I paid for it to be honest. There was so much going on! But it's worth a trip either way!

***UPDATE*** OMG! I was proofing my blog and I cannot believe I forgot to credit these nails! I mean geeze I took the time to do awesome closeups but forgot to tell you where they came from!!! Bad me! These are MESH Nails new by -{ZOZ}-called Black Queen (They come in Silver and gold!) These amazing nails actually are used with or without slinks. If you use them with slinks you just need to turn your slink nails off then PERFECT FIT! I don't go without my slinks so you can buy a starter pack at the ZOZ Main store. BUT these nails you can get at Month of Games from July 12th to 31st.

Honestly, my husband Cedric took some really awesome shots and I could keep filling my blog but these are some of the best that really showcase the nails, the shoes, and the pretty dress.

I hope you enjoy!

Namrah's Look:
Shape: Panda Punx Nurse Vixen (I bought this on Marketplace)
Slink Hands: Casual feet High
Eyes: IKON-Sapphire
Wedding ring by Lapointe & Bastchilde
All other links are found within the blog